Monday 9 July 2012

Testing, testing...

...does this still work?
Oooh, yes it seems to - maybe I should get back to it, give it another go?
Why not? I mean, I enjoyed doing it at the time.
What's that? Lack of time, family and work commitments, having to fight with the children to get on the computer, the stress of the day job, fear of giving up again, nothing much to say, the negative voices that came up with all of the above?

None of them matter do they? I mean, I haven't posted here for two years and yet it all still works.
If I'm doing it for me it doesn't matter if nobody else reads it.
If I'm doing it for me it doesn't matter if I don't post very often.
If I'm doing it for me it doesn't matter about anything else at all.
Just that I'm doing it. For me.

Because there's still always cake...

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